To read the full article it’s linked here.
Essentially, Ippy heard about Karmik and wanted to give it a test for the magazine and test his faith in the angling community. He reached out and we jumped on the opportunity.
We reached out our partners at Montana Fly Company (MFC), and they sent us about 20 fly boxes and some flies. We reached out to our local fly shop Anglers, and they donated a pile of flies. Seriously, like hundreds of flies. Big thanks to MFC and Anglers for helping us make this happen.
We filled the boxes and sent them to Ippy. He recorded the information like a true scientist then dropped them and we waited for results.
The return results were what we had expected but was definitely reassuring to have an independent test to prove our communities are good and want to return found items. One of the most profound things I discovered with this test was that people are good and inherently want to do the right thing. This is proven because even thought Karmik offers a 5-point return incentive for finders, nearly every finder refused the reward. Only once we explained it was a test and they can keep the fly boxes as a thank you, did they accept the box as a reward. Another finding I love is how connected our communities are. This was a fly fishing test and as such, fly fishermen knew the value of the boxes and wanted to return them. The same could be said with the snow sports communities as well as paddle sports and golf and photography. We need to give people the opportunity to do the right thing because they want to.

Thanks for reading.
- Robert, found of Karmik and humbled outdoorsman